Lydia turned 4 months old about two weeks ago and she has kept us on our toes this week.
On Monday I had surgery to have my gallbladder removed and she somehow managed to drink almost all of the bottles of breast milk I had spent days pumping before Monday night. When the formula came out, she went on strike. She didn't eat from 7:00 that night until she got desperate enough at her 10:00 doctor's appointment the next morning. She was like the Lorax in the recent movie: "I'm going to eat this, but I want you to know I'm highly offended by it!" She got her 4 month shots and tipped the scales at 15 pounds and 24 inches long.
Monday through Wednesday were very much recovery days for me. Thursday Lydia had her first bites of food when I gave her a few spoonfuls of rice cereal which she actually enjoyed. She opened her mouth wide and got so excited every time the spoon came near.
On Friday she rolled over for the first time. But being an overachiever she went straight from immobile to barrel rolls. She can make it halfway across the floor in 30 seconds. And since she loves to roll so much she took a minute on Saturday to initiate herself into the "I Rolled Off the Couch" Club.
The funniest thing though happened today when Lydia and I went down to the basement to check on Daddy and she got scared to death when he used his cordless drill to screw into a board. I've never seen her jump so hard!
It brings me so much happiness that you are able to experience these milestones with Lydia! Hope you are enjoying your time with your children! ;-)