I think I have a bad case of writer's block. There are many things I want to write about, but can never seem to find the words. I have several posts rotting away in my drafts folder that I don't know how to finish and they are turning far too long to perhaps ever see the light of day.
Some days the writing flows easily and I feel such great release when I've written. Other days I fumble for words and can't seem to form a complete thought.
On the bright side I made it to Confession for the first time in 4 months today, Praise God. Ash Wednesday is in a few days, so it's nice to have gotten a good confession out of the way before Lent starts.
Maybe tomorrow I will find something interesting to talk about. I'm trying to get into a habit of writing a little bit of something everyday. I don't have any aspirations to be an author, I just need a creative outlet to dump some of these things out of my brain each week.
Good for you for keeping at it even when it feels like there's not much to say. I'm bad for just quitting writing when that happens, but then its so much harder to get back in the habit!