Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Welcome to Poopville, Population 2

I was wondering what I could possibly blog about today, but the answer became pretty clear about 2:00 after the second poop disaster of the day.

I have been taking the kids to the school district's free summer lunch program almost everyday since they opened earlier this month.  We go and get the kids' free lunches and sometimes we'll see some of Amelia's friends from school, and then when they are all done eating I let them go play on the school playground for awhile.  It saves on the grocery bill, and the kids get the wiggles out.  It's a win-win. 

Today we saw a few of Amelia's friends from school and when the kids FINALLY finished eating I took them to the playground and we were pleased to see that her friends were still outside playing too.  I told them they had 15 minutes to play on the playground because Lydia was starting to get hungry, so they ran off to play.  I gave them a 5 minute warning and about a minute later I saw Thomas heading my way.  He stopped and got a shocked look on his face as he yelled, "MOMMY!  I have to go potty!  OH's coming out!"  As I waited for a big wet spot to appear on his shorts and for his shoes to get soaked, I realized that's not what he meant.  Nope, couldn't get that lucky. 

Thomas had been daytime potty trained for almost a year now.  But this month has been a struggle with potty accidents.  However, we haven't had a poopy accident in quite some time.  Needless to say I was shocked, and wasn't sure how I was going to get him home without making a worse mess!

Luckily we live really close to the school, so I only had to break the seatbelt laws for a few blocks.  I made him stand in front of his booster car seat and hold onto it for dear life as I drove really slowly back to the house.  I know, probably not the best option, but considering the other option would have been a terrible mess, I took my chances.

Once we got home I got him cleaned up and the big kids went up for a nap.  I made myself a quick lunch and then fed Lydia.  While she was eating, I could tell she was making a mess of her diaper.  She's never shy, she makes lots of grunts while she's pooping, so it's never a surprise.  I waited a few minutes after finishing feeding her and got ready to check out the damage.  Boy was I in for a surprise.  It was the gravity defying poop-up-the-back surprise.  Awesome. 

So, today has been poop-tastic.  How has your day been? :)


  1. Thanks for the laugh. I know going through it is not fun or funny but I appreciate the story.

