Sunday, April 10, 2011

Amelia's Dance Recital Pictures

 I wish this picture had turned out a little better, but I still think it is quite possibly one of my favorites EVER.  This was after the show was all over and boy did that little guy take off for his sister.  She saw him coming and yelled, "THOMAS!!!!!"  They got right up on top of each other and he veered around her and kept running.
 Daddy and Thomas after the recital.  Thomas had his tubes in on Thursday and his gastro appointment on Friday, so he wasn't in the best mood for most of the last 4 days.  And he has two teeth coming in.  Of course you couldn't tell any of this by looking at the little stinker.
 Amelia wanted Nana to help her with her carnation that Brittany, her dance instructor, had given to her and the rest of the girls after the recital.  She wanted to smell it but couldn't figure out how to pull down the cellophane without ripping the flower off the stem.
 I love this picture.  We have The Queen of "Cheese" on the left, and Little Miss Attitude on the right.  Hilarious.  You can tell that trouble follows when these two are together.
 I love the cheese face in this one.  She was so proud of herself, and rightly so.  She did a great job.
 My sweet big girl after her first recital.
This was all the girls in her class leaving the stage after their performance.  They each gave a huge bow at the end and it was absolutely adorable to watch the whole three and a half minutes.

1 comment:

  1. She did a great job, she is quite the ballerina. She takes after her mother, hehe...
